About Us

We’ve been helping people make it home safe from their outdoor adventures for over 50 years.

Every year, millions of Kiwis across Aotearoa and visitors from around the world spend time enjoying our great outdoors.

From walking, hiking and tramping to hunting, trail running, mountain biking and backcountry snowsports, New Zealand has a thriving outdoor recreation culture, and is one of the best places in the world to experience the wonders of nature.

At NZ Mountain Safety Council (MSC), our job is to help every one of these people make it home safe from their outdoor adventuring. To do this, we focus on preventing harm through reducing outdoor injuries, search and rescue operations, and fatalities.

Our work covers a wide range of safety, education and behaviour change initiatives. We use evidence-based behaviour change messaging and targeted safety campaigns, and design and develop tools, resources and information specifically to help people with their planning, preparation and decision-making.

Some of our key work includes providing avalanche forecasts, delivering firearms safety training, and helping people stay safe while walking, hiking or tramping with our Plan My Walk website and app. We share prevention and safety messaging through our active and growing social media following, by working closely with NZ media outlets and through our award-winning safety videos.

We produce a range of data and insights about outdoor recreation safety topics, for example using our Adventure Voice outdoor research community. Everything we do is guided by this evidence. Through these insights (and the stories Kiwis and our partners share with us), we know our work saves lives.

Our Vision

Safer places, safer activities, safer people.

Our Mission

Enabling people to enjoy their outdoors recreation safely.

Our Values

  • Professionalism
    We will collaborate with the rest of the outdoor sector and share what we know.
  • Integrity
    We will be open and honest in everything we do.
  • Trust
    We will be the organisation people look to for how to get prepared and stay safe outdoors.

Our Strategy

Our strategy consists of four key pillars: Insights, Partnerships, Messaging and Evolution. You can read our Strategic Plan here.

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Principles of our Prevention Strategy:
  • Evidence-based
    We collect and analyse data to develop insights; these drive our work.
  • Participant-centric
    We put the people we’re trying to help at the centre of our work.
  • Curiosity
    We seek out answers, ask probing questions and look for opportunities.
  • Innovation
    We’re not afraid to try new things or push the boundaries.
  • Partnerships
    Working with others will always be more successful than going it alone.


Our History – How it all Began

MSC was formed in 1965 in response to concerns over the increasing number of incidents in the bush and mountains. Representatives from a number of government and recreational organisations formed an incorporated society with the goal of enhancing safety in outdoor adventure activities.

Initially, MSC’s Council consisted of 11 organisations, including National Parks Authority, Internal Affairs Department, Police Department, National Youth Council, Civil Aviation (Search & Rescue Co-ordination Centre), National Water Safety Committee, Publicity Division Tourist & Publicity Department, Education Department, Federated Mountain Clubs, Forest Service and NZ Deerstalkers’ Association.

Today, some of these organisations remain on our Council, either in their original form, or through their evolution over the years.

Our logo through the years:

Historical NZ Mountain Safety Council logo Historical NZ Mountain Safety Council logo
Mt Taranaki


Our organisational efforts rely on the collaboration of many outdoor representatives and supporters. This includes our board, member organisations and funders who all strive for improved outdoor safety in New Zealand. You can also contact our MSC team on the Contact Us section. Read more

Group Tramping


Partners, Our Member Organisations  Our partnerships are at the core of how we work. They are one of our three strategic platforms, flowing into our business plan, campaigns and projects. Read more

Rob Frost Walking out the Copland valley after an attempt on Mt Sefton


New Zealand Lottery Grants Board The New Zealand Lottery Grants Board’s purpose is to benefit the New Zealand community by distributing the profits from state lotteries run by the New Zealand Lotteries Commission. Read more

Gillian In store

Retail Partners

See who we work with The Outdoor Safety Retail Partnership allows us to reach outdoor users through New Zealand outdoor retailers.    We work with the following retailers to implement safety campaigns and messaging to their customers via in-store and social media. Read more

Moeraki Boulders Walk | Tom Harris

Business Documents

Explore our business documents in the links below. Annual Reports Strategic Plan MSC Constitution Annual General Meeting Minutes Business Plans Audited Accounts Maternity Cover Role Read more

Mt Somers

International Outdoor Safety Forum

The International Outdoor Safety Forum (IOSF) is a group of organisations from around the world that focuses on outdoor safety, specifically, prevention. Purpose Foster global collaboration to enable the delivery of effective outdoor recreation safety and prevention work. Read more