Have a hmmm

Have a Hmmm... Stories From the Outdoors with ACC New Zealand.

We've partnered with ACC New Zealand to share real stories from Aotearoa's outdoor community. We hope these stories encourage you to take a moment before your next adventure, 'have a hmm' and think about how others might be affected if you get injured.

Have A Hmmm

Have a hmmm on your next hike

Watch Our Video to Get Prepared for Your Next Outdoor Adventure  Aotearoa has some amazing scenery and hiking or tramping is a great way to see it. However, injuries can happen, and when we get hurt it affects our family, friends, workmates and many others around us too. Read more

CREDIT Hunters Journal

Going hunting? Get prepared before you go

Going hunting? Get prepared before you go Every year, thousands of Kiwi hunters head into bush, up hills and across ridge lines. But without quality training and preparation, hunters can sustain severe injuries with potentially long-lasting consequences. Read more