Avalanche Fatality in Mid-Canterbury

26th September 2024|3 min
Media Release

On Wednesday 25 September, an avalanche occurred on Pito Peak in the South Ashburton Range on a guided heli-ski day trip, resulting in one fatality. NZ Mountain Safety Council (MSC) is devastated to learn of this loss, and we extend our sincere condolences to all involved.

The alpine community in Aotearoa is small and tight-knit. We know this loss will be felt strongly by many, including our own team.

We highly recommend that all backcountry snow enthusiasts stay up to date with the latest avalanche advisory for their region by following NZAA Instagram and monitoring avalanche.net.nz.

Additional Information

The NZ Avalanche Advisory (NZAA), which is owned and operated by MSC, issues avalanche advisories for 13 alpine regions. This does not include the area around the Arrowsmith Range. These advisories are intended for public recreation only, not for commercial operations.

Commercial backcountry operators have their own audited safety management systems. These operations, such as the guided heli-ski trip on Wednesday 25 September, are undertaken by teams of backcountry avalanche professionals.

The 13 regions covered by the NZAA have been carefully selected based on a range of factors. These include the availability of reliable, quality data sources that are necessary for accurate avalanche forecasting, including weather stations, field observations and weather forecasting; the type and quantity of public recreation in the area; and the history of avalanche occurrences and incidents in the area.

Assessments for inclusion as an NZAA forecasting region are made on an annual basis to ensure the best service is available to the public.

The 13 NZAA forecasting regions cover large areas and provide guidance for the public travelling in the backcountry. However, individuals and groups are required to make their own assessment of avalanche conditions, such as the snowpack and terrain decisions, based on their specific location and the weather they are experiencing on the day.

HEADER PHOTO | Richardson Mountains. CREDIT | Bianca Bratton