No Service in the Outdoors

15th May 2019|4min

For example: the weather closes in unexpectedly making progress to your hut far slower than expected, meaning you might be in an ‘unexpected night out’ scenario. If you don’t have an emergency shelter or tent you could be in big trouble!

Similarly, if you’re out for a day-walk and on the way back the footbridge you used to cross the river is now damaged, you’ve got a choice to cross a dangerously swollen river or stay on the bank for safety (almost always the right call). In both of these scenarios — which are more common than you might think — you’ll need to call for help. If you’re relying on your smartphone you’d better hope there’s service! Unfortunately, the vast majority of outdoor regions in New Zealand have  service and those that do it’s often patchy and unreliable.

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PHOTO: Caleb Smith