Practical Tips to Keep You on Target This Roar

24th March 2025|4 mins

The Roar 2025 has finally arrived! Now your months of planning, preparation and fitness training will pay dividends. But while your hard work will set you up to avoid trips, slips and falls – the most common causes of hunting injuries – staying vigilant throughout your hunt will ensure everything goes according to plan.

Here are some practical tips to help make your hunt safe, successful and fun.

  • Discuss the Plan

Before you head out, make sure everyone in your hunting party knows the day’s plan. That includes where you’re going, how long you expect to be out, and the gear and provisions you’ll need in your pack. This establishes expectations for the day and gets you off to a good start, with everyone well prepared and on the same page.

Remember to share your plan with an emergency contact who can follow up if you’re not back by your designated time.

  • Watch the Weather

Autumn brings cooler temperatures and unpredictable weather so keep across the forecast. Check Plan My Walk ( for the latest MetService updates along with any track alerts. If rain is forecast, be ready to alter your plans to avoid river crossings, whether that’s changing your route, turning back or using your emergency shelter to wait it out until the river drops.

  • Pack Emergency Essentials

Being prepared for an emergency is essential for all trips, especially longer hunts like the Roar. At the very least, take an emergency shelter, a first aid kit and a distress beacon. Even if you haven’t needed these before, this might be the trip that you do!

  • Know Your Limits

Even if you’ve trained hard for the Roar, there will be days when you won’t feel in peak condition. If you're tired and don’t have much in the tank, even early on in the trip, take a break and reassess the situation. Your top priority is always getting yourself and everyone in your group home safe.

  • Take Care of Yourself and Each Other

Be sure to have each other's back. Stick together, take regular breaks to rest and refuel, and check in with each other regularly. Have a chat about fatigue, the route and any other concerns. These conversations ensure smart decision-making and can avoid costly mistakes.

Have a Hmmm

It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of the hunt but make sure to ‘Have a hmmm’.

That means:

  • Slow down – this has benefits not only for your safety but also for your hunt. That extra pause may be the opportunity you need to see the game you’re looking for.
  • Pay close attention to your route – take in your surroundings and track it on your map. It may make all the difference when you’re retracing your steps.
  • Watch your footing – be deliberate with your foot placement to help prevent slips, trips and falls. You’ll also be quieter, so less likely to scare off game.
  • Stay alert for terrain traps, like bluffs – ensure that you assess the landscape before committing to a route to avoid a last-minute detour. If you end up in a tight spot, pause and consider the safest way out, even if it’s backtracking.

From the team at NZ Mountain Safety Council, have an awesome Roar and make it home safe.

PHOTO CREDIT | Cam Forlong