You've Booked a Great Walk – Now What?

2nd July 2024|3 min

Now that you’ve booked a spot on a Great Walk, the real work begins! Start your preparations early so you’re ready to hit the track running next summer.

Find out what to expect

Brush up on your knowledge of the track and share this with your tramping group, so everyone knows what to expect. Essential resources include NZ Mountain Safety Council’s (MSC) NZ Hiking + Tramping Video Series and Plan My Walk, and the Department of Conservation (DOC) website.

An easy way to share details with your group is via Plan My Walk. There’s a planning section that allows you to create a trip plan, write trip notes and attack documents to share with your group with just the click of a button.

Have fun training

A Great Walk is an awesome reason to get fit. Don’t let winter put you off. Start small, dress up warmly and hit your local tracks. If you’re stuck for ideas, Plan My Walk is a great place to get inspiration.

If you’ve got new boots, start using them so they adjust to your feet. Take a pack, even if it’s lighter than the real thing, to start building up your strength. As the walk gets closer and the weather improves, up your training. Extend your walks to longer tracks and introduce some more weight into your backpack. This is also a good opportunity to practise packing your gear. For top tips, see the video on how to pack for a tramp here.

Get everyone in your tramping group on board and make it a fun, shared challenge, with the Great Walk your ultimate goal.

Gear, check

Consider what gear you’ll need for the tramp. Plan My Walk includes a customisable gear list with the essentials for an overnight tramp. Easy as!

If you’ve got gear in storage, get it out and give it a once over. Is everything in working order? Does anything need repairing or replacing, or a spring clean?

Get the skills

Before heading into the great outdoors, there are a few essential skills you need under your belt.

Even though Great Walks are well-signposted, it’s always good to know the basics of navigation. You can practise these when you’re out on your training walks. Find out more about navigation here.

Get the basics on emergency and survival, including some essential items to have in your pack here.

You’ll find other useful tips on the MSC skills page, including communication devices to carry and basic first aid.

With the right preparation, you’ll be all set for an awesome outdoor adventure. Have fun preparing!